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Why is a proper skincare more important than Botox and fillers injections?

By January 11, 2022Expert Advice

Botox and filler are just aesthetic tools that can help with appearance such as creating more symmetry, adding some volume, or hiding fine lines and wrinkles for some time.

The issue with these injections is that you get quickly addicted to them and their repetitive use can be dangerous.

Not only their long-term use ‘damages people’s lips, cheeks and facial structure and they lose their finish and natural animation, as in movement, and they lose attractiveness’ said Dr Dan Kennedy but it can also cause physical harm.

Botox is an injection that uses a neurotoxin to paralyse facial muscles in order to hide wrinkles.

For fillers, there is always a chance of blocking an artery. For Botox, there is always a chance of having a paralysis of the muscle. Both are marketed by instagrammers and celebrities as injections with almost no harm while the reality is different.

Dr Ian Musgrave, a molecular toxicologist said: ‘if you’re continually injecting into the basement structure, you may cause physical disruption that can result in fibrosis – there’s a whole range of things that potentially can happen… no therapy is free from adverse effects whatsoever.’

Dr Dan Kennedy, from the AS of Plastic Surgeons cautions people to be “very wary” of permanent and semi-permanent fillers. This is because he has witnessed the “significant problem” when they become infected or induce an inflammatory reaction. “They are the ones that can produce permanent internal scarring of the face and quite a distorted and irreparable problem,” he says of permanent fillers, while semi-permanent fillers can “induce fibrosis”.

Other doctors also explained that long-term use of injections can result in stretching of the skin, longer term damage including lips wrinkling and ageing of the skin.

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